Nature path with flowering Trees and lake

10 Things to do During Quarantine

Things to do while quarantined. Today is a strange time, America and many parts of the rest of the world have experienced stay at home rules and social distancing practices. The problem is that most of us never saw this coming, no opportunity to plan or think this out, “What if America goes on lock down for 2020?” I bet no one had quarantine plans for a New Year’s resolution.

Many people are home and don’t know what to do with themselves. Below are are list of things to do that have helped me get through the day.

5 Fun Things to do:

  1. Take a nature walk. It can be difficult to remember to get away from your computer, stretch your legs. There are a lot of great parks in America, and one may be located in your neighborhood or your the surrounding area. Take a break, walk on your lunch even if it’s just around block. A nice walk can improve your mood and health, just remember social distancing.
  2. Start cooking again. Blow the dust off that old cookbook that you forgot about or log onto Youtube or Pinterest for meal prep ideas. There are a lot of delicious recipes just waiting for you to choose.
  3. Big yard no action. If you have a backyard, don’t just mow it! Set up a volleyball net or a ping pong table for your kids. BBQ and have a picnic, that’s what yards are for.
  4. Start a Hobby. Go fishing, Plant herbs, learn to sew, start a yoga practice, complete that puzzle you received as a gift last Christmas.
  5. Bookclubs are not just for strangers. Have virtual bookclub meetings with your friends. If you don’t have friends that read, then start reading with your family. It’s a great way to get your kids to read.
silver piggy bank in grass

5 Things you should do:

  1. Review your retirement accounts. Many people have never taken the time to review their retirement plans offered through their employer. Now is the time to:
    1. Check to see if your employer offers a 401(K) match, if so, how much is the match? Is it dollar for dollar up to a specific amount or up to the total amount of your contribution. Are you charged an annual fee.
    2. If you’re not participating in the company 401(K), it’s time to call up your Human Resource department to get the ball rolling. If you work for yourself, contact an investment brokerage to set up an IRA account.
    3. If you’re not happy with the investments offered in your company retirement plan, try opening an account with Vanguard, Fidelity or TD Ameritrade.
  2. Do you have a will? If you don’t, now’s a good time to set up a will just in case.
  3. Sell unwanted items on Ebay. Get rid of old items that may be cluttering up your closet that you no longer use. Ebay is a great way to make extra money to add to your savings goal.
  4. Update your budget. Now that you no longer commute to work, put your savings to work by paying off high interest debt or adding money to an emergency savings account.
  5. Call a friend, stay in touch with loved ones.

Try to relax, most important stay safe and take care.